
The creators are the classes used to create all the nodes on a rig, is an easy way to create the maya nodes. You can use your custom code to create the maya nodes, but using the creators can provide you of tools made for rigging. This are some of the creators that I have done, many more can be created, but so far this are the ones that I have needed or use more commonly.

I will list them in a importance order.


The group creator allow you to create empty transform nodes. The only way to create it is using the point_base function.

class*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
point_base(*scene_nodes, **kwargs)

This function will create a new group per each scene node provided, this new node will be aligned in position and rotation, with the scene node. And its position on the hierarchy will depend on the “type” kwargs. :param scene_nodes:

One or more nodes on the scene. This nodes can be strings or pymel nodes.



See below

Keword Arguments:
  • type (str)–

    A parameter to define how the new group is going to be in the hierarchy, valid values are “world”,”child”,”parent”,”inserted”,”sibling”. Default value is inserted, meaning that the new group will be inserted on the hierarchy as parent of the nodes provided.


class creators.skinCluster.SkinCluster(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

The main creator of skin clusters

copy_by_definition(relation_dictionary, order_list=None)

Copies the skinning from joint to joint as described on the parameter relation dictionary. :param relation_dictionary: a dictionary of objects relations of which weights will be copyed where. And since the keys on the dictionary cant be repeated, the keys are the destination of the weights, and the value of the key is the joint from where the weights will be added. :param order_list: the order in which the copy should be done, since the dictionary doesnt have an order, this list should have the keys of the relation_dictionary. :return:


Copy’s the skinning between different meshes only by providing the meshes.

:args[0] the source mehs, this geo

:args[1:] the destination mehs where the skin will be copied

:return a list with all the skin clusters that where created during execution

switch_skin(geometry, joint_switch_dictionary)

switches the joints in skinning :param joint_switch_dictionary: :param geometry: geometry where the skin wants to be changed. :return: